Thursday, March 19, 2009

Layoffs to hit another Dell plant

Dell is laying off workers, but the company will not give the total number and location of all employees affected. Dell did confirm that some of those affected are from the Winston-Salem, N.C., plant.

They shuttered its desktop manufacturing division in Lebanon January, probably in response to a widespread aversion to the outmoded, space-hogging dinosaurs in favor of itty bitty laptops.

"Mr. Mehran Ravanpay, the plant manager at Dell, has informed me that the workforce at our local facility had increased to approximately 1,400 people and that this reduction affects only a small percentage of the workforce," Joines said in a statement. "Obviously, we are very grateful for the approximately 1,200 jobs that remain here. Dell continues to be among our leading employers and corporate citizens. We have every confidence that as the economy improves, so will the employment opportunities at this facility."

Dell also reaffirmed its plans to reduce employee headcount by at least 8,800. So far, it has eliminated 3,200 positions. Overall, the company hopes to reduce expenses by US$3 billion a year on average over the next three years.

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