Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Microsoft Closes adCenter Analytics

Mel Carson, Microsoft adCenter’s Community Manager, announced yesterday that they will close the adCenter Analytics program at the beta stage itself. Microsoft adCenter Analytics was designed with the intention of providing website owners with detailed reports of the activity of their users and also to let them track the performance of their advertisements. Microsoft's adCenter Analytics has not yet left beta, and it appears that it will not ever do so. The company announced today that the program will be shut down at the end of the year.

Microsoft notified testers that the analytics product was being discontinued. Testers have until December 31, 2009, to copy their historical data.

A Microsoft employee in the Advertising Platform group who has worked in adCenter Analytics expressed that a similar standalone product would not be forthcoming. “This announcement in an indication of a conclusion that they have come to that, for them, providing analytics in the form of a standalone tool like ACA does not present the best value or utility for our customers,” Ian Thomas, director of yield business intelligence product management, wrote on his personal blog. “Of course, it is not my place to be making ad hoc pronouncements about our analytics product strategy, especially not at a moment like this; so I have probably said enough already,” he cautioned.

It’s not clear whether this is the end for a home-grown Microsoft analytics solution or merely a pause before a different product is introduced in the future.

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