Saturday, March 14, 2009

Google Ocean Takes Google Earth Beyond the "Dirt"

Ocean in Google Earth, which launched today, builds on the free, popular 3-D mapping software Google Earth by allowing users to navigate underwater in unprecedented clarity. The new fish-eye view—accessible via a free upgrade—aims to provide a public platform for users to talk about the oceans, said John Hanke, director of Geo Products at Google.

The new fish-eye view—accessible via a free upgrade—aims to provide a public platform for users to talk about the oceans, said John Hanke, director of Geo Products at Google.

"It really is a means... [of] raising geographical awareness of oceans and … the pressures that are being put on life in the ocean," he added.

Google Earth is one of the company's most popular products. The software has been downloaded on half a billion computers. "Talk about a dream coming true," said Earle, who has struggled for decades to find a way to connect the public to the ocean. "Now anyone in just a few minutes can understand what it has taken me 50 years to understand, that the ocean really matters, that in fact the world is blue."

Earle and others joined Google in a partnership to move beyond mountains and valleys to simulate the ocean so anyone can explore its vast surface and depths online. Then Google finally put the world's oceans on the map.

Great one!!!

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